It queries the system tables of the server and looks for the query execution plans that in it's XML have, in this case a table scann
The script goes over all executions on a given server.
IImagine that one day you come to work and you have time to look for the overall quality of the execution of your queries; I know, like myself, you probably never had such a day at work.
This script, even though it is looking for table scan's can easily be updated to look for anything in execution plans. One could have it look for looping over large rows (typical for symptom of skewed statistics) or other less performing methods.
It queries the system tables of the server and looks for the query execution plans that in it's XML have, in this case a table scann
The script goes over all executions on a given server.
The Script does not use parameters, unfortunately it's all hard coded.
To download the script click
-- Get all SQL Statements with "table scan" in cached query plan ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES (DEFAULT N'' ,N'' AS ShowPlan) ,EQS AS (SELECT EQS.plan_handle ,SUM(EQS.execution_count) AS ExecutionCount ,SUM(EQS.total_worker_time) AS TotalWorkTime ,SUM(EQS.total_logical_reads) AS TotalLogicalReads ,SUM(EQS.total_logical_writes) AS TotalLogicalWrites ,SUM(EQS.total_elapsed_time) AS TotalElapsedTime ,MAX(EQS.last_execution_time) AS LastExecutionTime FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS EQS GROUP BY EQS.plan_handle) SELECT EQS.[ExecutionCount] ,EQS.[TotalWorkTime] ,EQS.[TotalLogicalReads] ,EQS.[TotalLogicalWrites] ,EQS.[TotalElapsedTime] ,EQS.[LastExecutionTime] ,ECP.[objtype] AS [ObjectType] ,ECP.[cacheobjtype] AS [CacheObjectType] ,DB_NAME(EST.[dbid]) AS [DatabaseName] ,OBJECT_NAME(EST.[objectid], EST.[dbid]) AS [ObjectName] ,EST.[text] AS [Statement] ,EQP.[query_plan] AS [QueryPlan] FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS ECP INNER JOIN EQS ON ECP.plan_handle = EQS.plan_handle CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ECP.[plan_handle]) AS EST CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(ECP.[plan_handle]) AS EQP WHERE EQP.[query_plan].exist('data(//RelOp[@PhysicalOp="Table Scan"][@EstimateRows * @AvgRowSize > 50000.0][1])') = 1 -- Optional filters AND EQS.[ExecutionCount] > 1 -- No Ad-Hoc queries AND ECP.[usecounts] > 1 ORDER BY EQS.TotalElapsedTime DESC ,EQS.ExecutionCount DESC;
One needs to compare the statement with the objectives of the statement and find possible root causes. For a table scan, this might be that the compiler does not find an index, or that the index is disabled.